Congratulations Vera Wang - State Science Fair Winner!

Please congratulate sophomore Vera Wang, whose project, Constructing a Novel Aquatic Microplastic Filtration Device Utilizing Natural, Biodegradable Materials, investigated the viability of using coconut fibers as a natural, sustainable filter for ocean microplastics.  This past Wednesday, she earned prizes and cash from five different sponsoring organizations.  
1. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) 
2. Friends of Hanauma Bay --- + certificate + a copy of David Gulko's 'Hawaiian Coral Reef Ecology' book + one-year membership in the Friends of Hanauma Bay
3. Associated Chinese University Women --- cash + certificate
4. Hawaii Water Environment Association --- cash
5. Illuminating Engineering Society --- cash
Mr. Kohara, science fair coordinator for Kaiser says, "Her research was scientifically sound and creative and her written paper was precise and thorough.  Thank you for your work in inspiring, leading and teaching our students like Vera.  It was not only a wonderful experience for her, but it motivated her to compete again next year and beyond! 
Ho'omaika'i Vera!