Friends of Kaiser PTSA Happenings

ZIPPY's Fundraiser:  we have 150 Zippy Fundraiser tickets remaining.  These tickets are $11.00 per ticket and will expire on 2/9/2025.  We need your help to get them sold.  If you would like to purchase some tickets, please email: [email protected] (Ann-Marie Fernandez).
Night Market, February 1, 2025, 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Volunteers are needed:  the PTSA is needing parent and/or community volunteers to help with our Night Market on Saturday, February 1, 2025.  If you are interested in volunteering a few hours of your time, email: (Stephanie)
Seeking Volunteer PTSA Leaders for our Board:  the PTSA is seeking for the school year 2025-2026 volunteer Leaders for our Board and several director positions.  Please visit Friends of Kaiser PTSA website, under the Volunteers Tab for more information and to apply.
Mahalo for your support of the Friends of Kaiser PTSA
Ann-Marie Fernandez, President