This is from Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Department of Hawaii, Randy Grant, Chairperson:
Aloha VFW Department of Hawaii Members,
I am pleased to share that the Voice of Democracy Parade of Winners took place yesterday in Washington, D.C., and we have exciting news to celebrate!
Makoa Arnett-Cook, from Honolulu, HI, represented the VFW Department of Hawaii and was awarded the $5,000 Rehoboth Beach Post 7447 and Auxiliary Dept. of Delaware Scholarship. Makoa was sponsored by VFW Post 1540 and attends Henry J. Kaiser High School.
This is a historic achievement for our state, as Makoa is the highest-placing Voice of Democracy winner from Hawaii in the recollection of those of us who have been involved with the program. Even more remarkable, he accomplished this as a 10th-grade student!
The VFW Department of Hawaii is incredibly proud of Makoa’s hard work, dedication, and outstanding achievement. Please join me in congratulating him on this well-deserved honor!
Mahalo to everyone who has supported our youth programs and continues to inspire the next generation of leaders.